L.A. based synth-rock band Them Guns premiered their official lyric video, directed by Paul Boyd, who worked with Deadmou5, Goo Goo Dolls, Shania Twain, etc., of Dave Stewart Productions for their single “Somebody Called the Cops”. The single has been released as the outset for their soon-to-be released full-length album. They recently spoke with us about their upcoming album, the new music video, tours and much more.
CC: You guys played at Hollywood’s famous Gentlemen’s Club, Crazy Girls, on March 3 as a kickoff show to the SXSW tour- how was it?
Crazy Girls was a lot of fun. The venue is made to be a strip club and not a music venue, so there were a few snags along the way that we had to overcome, but once we got past that and started playing, it was great.
CC: Any interesting behind-the-scenes stories you would like to share with us from that night?
Not really.. 😉
CC: What do you guys believe is unique and want the audience to reap from a live show?
Live shows are really what it’s all about. You can take all the time you want to tweek, twist, and make everything perfect in the studio, but the live show is where you get to just feel and play it as it comes out – have fun and get a reaction from the crowd.
CC: What is the story behind the name Them Guns?
There is a movie from the 50’s called The Guns of Navarone. It is about an island that stored ammunition for World War II. With my name being Navarone, we thought it was semi-clever.
CC: As a synth and dance rock band that formed in 2013, which artists inspire the creation of your music the most?
EVERYTHING! There really is no ONE band that we say – “Hey, lets sound like them.” We all have different influences, but the sounds that we have kind of honed in on and are inspired by everything from Queens of the Stone Age, Nine Inch Nails, Chemical Brothers, Muse, Leon Russel, Warren Zevon… it goes on and on. Basically, everything that has ever been made influences us somehow.
CC: What is the story and meaning of your latest single and lyrical video “Somebody Called the Cops”?
That one is just kind of a reflection on today’s society – work till you’re gonna drop, work for the machine, and if you do anything wrong… somebody’s watching.
CC: Are you guys in the works towards releasing an album? If so, when is it expected to be released?
Haha an album… yes, we have one of those. With the way things work today, we aren’t really sure how to go about and release it – Do we do a single? Do we do an EP? Do we put it on iTunes? Do we do it independently?
So yes, we do have one. It is coming soon, but when and how? We don’t know.
CC: What message do you want your fans and fans-to-be to conceive from your music as a whole?
That it is still fun to play REAL INSTRUMENTS. Some of the sounds that we create are computer enhanced, but we really think it is important to keep playing real instruments as part of making music.
A lot of people call themselves musicians, then you put an instrument in front of them and they are dumbfounded and don’t know what to do with it. We want to continue to make cutting edge current music sounds with instruments that can be recreated live.
CC: Are there shows and tours coming up for you guys in the near future? Any one you guys are specifically excited about?
We just got back from a little run out to Texas for SXSW. That was a really fun time. We had a few shows along the way as well. Now that that is finished, we are working on some new material, and yes, hopefully headed back out on the road with it.
CC: We cannot not notice the snakes on Them Guns’ social media! Who is the big guy? How many snakes do you guys own? What appeals you guys the most about reptiles?
That’s Navarone’s (vocalist) deal – he collects and breeds them as a hobby. He has about 16 that he has as pets, then he sells the babies that they make. We just thought it would be fun to have them in our videos now and then.
Navarone – I think that they are just so beautiful and misunderstood. They are living art that has a personality and attitude completely distinct from each other.
CC: If you guys had the choice to freak one person out in the world with your snakes just for the shits and giggles, who would it be?
Probably Jimany Glick
All questions answered by Navarone Garibaldi (vocals), Kyle Hamood (keyboards and vocoder), Chuck Holiday (bass), and Chris Hudson (drums)
What are your thoughts on Them Guns? Comment below.
Post by Leanna Ahmed
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