Who: Lights
Where: Regency Ballroom, San Francisco, California
When: April 6, 2022
Lights is back on the appropriately named “Baby I’m Back Tour.” After almost 5 years since the release of Skin and Earth, Lights has finally released her latest album PEP, and is finally able to bring it to life on a cross country tour. Fans were more than ready to receive their PEP talk from Lights – with the merch booth pitched just off to the side in the auditorium, everyone sported the yellow red blue colors of the PEP era with either a homemade outfit or with Lights merch.
Lights and her fans have been with each other a long time, and it showed that night. No matter the era, album, or song every fan sang loud and along with Lights throughout the show. With as large a discography as Lights has, she made sure to touch on fan favorites from each body of work. From only the opening notes of songs like “Ice,” “Siberia,” and “Running with the Boys” fans would recognize the songs right away and erupt. Not to say the crowd wasn’t excited about new songs, however. On the night of the San Francisco show PEP had only been out a couple days, but fans made sure to learn every song in preparation. Songs like “Okay Okay” and “Voices Carry” had the crowd bouncing, and a smile on Lights face proud of the community she’s created.
Lights powered through her 20 song set with joyous energy. PEP is a personal pep talk to herself, and her live show is a therapeutic experience for her and her fans. Her energetic songs kept the crowd going through the night, as everyone collectively shared an emotional experience.
For more information on Lights, visit her website.
Post and photos by Joe Hernandez
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