Concert Crap: You guys recently released your third album, Tastes New. How has your sound evolved from your first album to now?
Kyle Bolduc: Well on our first album we really didn’t know how to structure songs, so we just wrote riffs and pieced what we thought would fit. It was more about writing technical and progressive songs on our first album. Now on Tastes New, we understand song structure a lot better and are also are better musicians. We write to fit the song now, not just writing a technical riff to make it hard to play. We have more singing on the new album and a lot more stories in the actual writing of the songs, which gives more depth and meaning on this album. All and all we have grown tremendously over the 7 years and feel this is our best album to date!
CC: Which song on the album should listeners check out first and which should they check out last?
KB: I would check out 187 stupid first, because it has a lot of different dynamic in the song.
I would check out Rise As One last, because its a typical Lydia song. You will love it, but its in the vain of our old albums.
CC: What’s something cool we wouldn’t pick up our first time or even fifth time listening to the album?
KB: All the different vocal harmonies through out the album!
CC: How would you describe the term “metal band?”
KB: A metal band is a band that plays fast heavy riffs with a lot of double bass!
CC: When can we see Lydia Can’t Breathe on tour?
KB: We are doing a few shows in Nov and Dec then probably touring the USA in spring of 2018!
CC: Lightning round: Star Wars or Star Trek?
KB: Star Wars
CC: Do you have anything else you’d like to add to this interview?
KB: Check out our latest music, videos, and tour info at
Post and interview by Karen Shalev
Have you checked out Lydia Can’t Breathe? Comment below.
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