Former Yellowcard frontman, William Ryan Key’s new EP Virtue is immensely melodic and emotionally raw. His writings are magnificent, yet poignant. Virtue is easily an album that makes you feel all the possible emotions with each song that passes.
With this album, you are guaranteed a feeling of happiness, sadness, or nostalgia. Each melody is different but, oh-so-similar at the same time. His album hums a beautiful feeling that will melt you but also may leave you joyful as well as a sense of melancholy.
“The Bowery” begins with an extremely upbeat tone. As if feeling like you are having a flashback to your happiest days, but also ride with a sense of love and sadness. “I don’t shine like the others do. I’m so close and so far from the light, you see them standing in…Who do I think I am? Rushing in where I can’t win. And I am always crumbling beneath this heavyweight. Much to say, it’s this way always.” Song three ends with the same few lines it began with. “I’m so close and so far.”
“No More, No Less” is a slow and brutal strain. It picks up its slow direction and beats a fearful sadness into the air. “Hold my breath before I take a helping hand. Cause I’ve seen death and only you can understand. Am I gonna survive when I’m out in the wild? Am I gonna belong?… No more, no less – it’s time, it’s best if I just look the other way. I’ve found my home, I drift alone. Doesn’t matter what you say.” It ends beautifully with the same hard hit it drove into after the second verse.
All in all, Virtue is beautifully written with passion and sorrow. Believing that this EP will be a master of manipulating your emotions, you will remember all your most joyous and grieving moments. William Ryan Key is a spectacular artist and Virtue is a proving factor.
Post by Eliza Britney
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